Michael Haas (political scientist)

Michael Haas was born in Detroit, Michigan, in 1938, where he attended Stellwagen Elementary School and Jackson Intermediate. Adopted at birth, his adoptive mother had been an elementary schoolteacher, and his adoptive father was a journalist who earlier had been threatened by the Ku Klux Klan because he wrote an editorial condemning their terrorist acts against Mexican Americans in Orange County, California. (His adoptive mother’s sister had married a Californio, that is, a descendent of a pre-statehood Californian whose Spanish ancestry predated Mexico’s independence from Spain.) While in Detroit, Michael Haas observed one of the effects of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s “hire now, train later” affirmative action during World War II, namely, blacks hired anew in the cafeteria of the General Motors Building in downtown Detroit, across the street from the Fisher Building, where his father worked at radio station WJR.

In 1950, he moved with his adoptive parents to Los Angeles, where his father became program director of radio station KMPC. He attended Le Conte Middle School and graduated from Hollywood High School in 1956. The 1950s were the dark days in which perceived left-wing members of the film Industry were blacklisted, and several of his classmates were directly affected because their parents were fired or investigated. As a result, he joined the American Civil Liberties Union in college. In 1986, to give some recognition to directors who bravely raise political consciousness through outstanding feature films, he founded the Political Film Society (www.polfilms.com), which reviews political films and gives awards to directors each year. Later, he produced and directed a program that reviewed films for KCLA, an FM and Internet radio station.

Haas received his baccalaureate degree at Stanford University in 1959, the year after Soviet nuclear bomb tests produced radioactive rain that caused agricultural crops in Northern California to be deemed unsafe. Yale University awarded him a Master’s Degree in 1960—but not before he attended a debate on nuclear weapons testing between William F. Buckley and Norman Thomas and joined pickets outside a New Haven store, a branch of which was not allowing blacks to sit at a lunchcounter with whites in Greensboro, North Carolina. He received his Ph.D. at Stanford in 1964.

Under the direction of his thesis adviser, Robert C. North, his Ph.D. dissertation, Some Societal Correlates of International Political Behavior, was among the very first in political science to use a computer to calculate correlations. His doctoral thesis, which developed a “mass society” theory that aggressive warfare occurs in societies wherein there is a breakdown of civil society, is still applicable today. International Conflict (1974) was a major multivariate quantitative effort that went beyond his dissertation by finding correlates of decisionmaking conditions, societal assymetries, and global structures with the probability of war.

During his last year of work on his doctoral degree, he taught temporarily at San Jose State University from 1963-1964. He then accepted a permanent position at the University of Hawai`i’s main campus in Manoa Valley, Honolulu, where he rose from Assistant Professor to Professor from 1964 to 1971 and remained until 1998.

While on the faculty in Honolulu, he also held temporary positions at Northwestern University, Purdue University, the University of California (Riverside), San Francisco State University, the University of the Philippines, and the University of London. During the time he was at Northwestern, he was witness to the crackdown of protestors at the Democratic Convention in 1968. Ten years later, the assassination of San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk occurred two blocks from where he was interviewing civil rights officials while teaching at San Francisco State University. And he observed the Poll Tax Riots of 1990, the largest in Britain during the twentieth century, while teaching in London.

His research appointments include a United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) consultancy at the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Pacific in Bangkok during 1972 and a Fulbright Research Fellowship at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies on the University of Singapore campus in 1987.

The University of Hawai`i’s Department of Political Science has one of the largest graduate programs in the country, attracting brilliant students from Asia who have returned to their homelands to establish themselves as foremost political scientists. Haas advised several. There were so many from Korea that they are known there among political scientists as the “Hawai`i Mafia,” to whom he dedicates Korean Unification: Alternative Pathways (1989).

One famous student from Cambodia, Kao Kim Hourn, founded and is president of the University of Cambodia in Phnom Penh. He asked Haas to chair the university’s International Advisory Committee, in which capacity Haas has conferred several honorary doctorates in recent years.

In 1998, he opted for early retirement and returned to Los Angeles. During the next decade, he held temporary positions at Loyola Marymount University, California State University (Fullerton), California State University (Los Angeles), California Polytechnic University (Pomona), Rio Hondo College, College of the Canyons, and Occidental College. In December 2008, he resigned from his latest teaching position to complete George W. Bush, War Criminal? The Liability of the Bush Administration for 269 War Crimes (2009).

Among other books that he has written over the years, the earliest were edited collections of original essays focusing on basic questions in the field of political science—Approaches to the Study of Political Science (1970) and International Systems: A Behavioral Approach (1974). He also compiled several reference books—International Organization: An Interdisciplinary Bibliography (1971) and Basic Documents of Asian Regional Organizations, nine volumes that were published over the years 1974-1985.

His later publications have been more topical, including four books on Hawai`i—Politics and Prejudice in Contemporary Hawai`i (1976), Institutional Racism: The Case of Hawai`i (1992), and Multicultural Hawai`i: The Fabric of a Multiethnic Society (1998) .

Inspiration for the books on Hawai`i was the obvious discrimination then practiced by Japanese administrators of Hawai`i State Government against Filipinos, Native Hawaiians, and even Caucasians. Accordingly, Haas formed the Foundation for Race/Sex Equality and the Spirit of Hawaiian Aloha (FRESHA) and filed several third-party civil rights complaints on behalf of aggrieved persons. As a result of his complaints, Hawai`i State Government was required to have an affirmative action plan, and for ten years the statewide Hawai`i Department of Education was under scrutiny in moving from defiant civil rights noncompliance toward Filipinos to a program of bilingual education run by Filipino professionals. For a time, the Honolulu chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People asked Haas to chair its Education Committee.

What the books on Hawai`i demonstrate is how problems of discrimination were identified and handled within the multicultural ethic that pervades the diverse Aloha State. The cultural and political contexts described in the trilogy, as well as his more recent Looking for the Aloha Spirit: Promoting Ethnic Harmony (2010) define the main social influences on Barack Obama during most of the first eighteen years of his life. Accordingly, his latest book, with a Foreword by Michael Dukakis, is Barack Obama, The Aloha Zen President: How a Son of the 50th State May Revitalize America Based on 12 Multicultural Principles (2011)

Six of his books have been on Asia and the Pacific. Korean Unification: Alternative Pathways (1989) contains essays by several distinguished scholars that proposed a change in policy from confrontation to cooperation between North and South Koreas, and indeed the two Korean governments later adopted many suggestions in the book.

About seventy-five regional intergovernmental organizations are described in The Pacific Way: Regional Cooperation in the South Pacific (1989) and The Asian Way to Peace: A Story of Regional Cooperation (1989). Materials for the latter book were obtained during extensive trips to Asia, the first of which was supported by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and UNITAR.

While in Singapore on a research Fulbright grant during 1987, young Catholic social workers were arrested on trumped up charges of being “Marxists,” a spectacle that was played out on government-controlled television, prompting him later to edit The Singapore Puzzle (1999). The truth in the book, which contains chapters written by Haas and by several scholars who had been mistreated in the island republic, so annoyed the Singapore government that its sale is banned in that country.

In 1988, after visiting Indochina, principally Vietnam, he applied for and received a U.S. Institute of Peace grant. He then wrote two books—Cambodia, Pol Pot, and the United States: The Faustian Pact (1991) and Genocide by Proxy: Cambodian Pawn on a Superpower Chessboard (1991), arguing for an end to American covert support for the Khmer Rouge’s ambition to regain power in Cambodia and for a détente between the United States and Indochinese countries. Both objectives eventually came to pass, and peace finally arrived in Cambodia, prompting him to write Modern Cambodia's Emergence from the Killing Fields: What Happened in the Critical Years?</> (2011)..

Haas’s major theoretical contribution to political science is found in Polity and Society: Philosophical Underpinnings of Social Science Paradigms (1992). The book contrasts varying metatheoretical paradigms applied to the study of economic and political development, community power structure, presidential and ethnic voting patterns, civil strife, international violence, and efforts to build international community. The book remains one of the very few social science expositions that identifies with basic metaphilosophical concepts.

In recent years, he has focused on international human rights. His Improving Human Rights (1994) found statistical patterns that suggested an optimal way in which foreign aid can best advance human rights—by enabling countries to develop more diverse communication systems. Haas’s International Human Rights: A Comprehensive Introduction (2008) is the most complete textbook on the subject. While researching the chapter on war crimes for the latter book, he realized that daily events reported from Afghanistan, Guantánamo, and Iraq matched the description of prohibited conduct in the Geneva Conventions, the Hague Conventions, the United Nations Charter, and the many related international treaties which form the basis for civilized international behavior that has been promoted for 150 years by most American presidents.

He then decided to link the legal texts with reports of various occurrences in his monumental George W. Bush, War Criminal? The Liability of the Bush Administration for 269 War Crimes (2009), which has a Foreword written by Benjamin Ferencz, former prosecutor at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials.

When not working on the computer to write articles, blogs, books, and letters to the editor, he enjoys filmgoing, gardening, karaoke, telling jokes, and many other diversions. In addition to membership in the American Civil Liberties Union, he belongs to Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the Progressive Democrats of America, the Stonewall Democratic Club, and various academic professional organizations, including a life membership in the International Studies Association. He was elected to the California Senior Legislature in 2010.

In 2009, he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Now living the Hollywood Hills, Michael Haas has devoted his life to advancing the goal of greater respect for human rights along with the establishment of a more peaceful world. His work continues


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